Exam Sessions 2024/25
First Exam Session: 7 January 2025 - 15 February 2025
Second Exam Session: 26 May 2025 - 26 July 2025
Third Exam Session: 1 September 2025 – 13 September 2025
Exam Sessions 2023/24
First Exam Session: 8 January 2024 - 17 February 2024
Second Exam Session: 27 May 2024 - 27 July 2024
Third Exam Session: 2 September 2024 – 14 September 2024
How to see and enroll in exams
To enroll for an exam, students must:
1) check that the course they want to take the exam for, is present in their on line “Academic history”;
2) have completed the course and professor evaluation on Edumeter, the procedure for which is described below (click on "Course and professor evaluations – EduMeter" to open/close the box and view it).
Students enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs are obliged by law to fill in a course and professor evaluation questionnaire before sitting individual exams. They will only be able to enrol for an exam once they have done this.
They also need to complete their Career Plan and fill in a questionnaire on the quality of the course before registering for an exam.
How to use EduMeter:
Students should check the following points before accessing the online questionnaire EduMeter:
- the Career Plan has already been confirmed (the Edumeter procedure reads the Career Plan contents two days after it has been confirmed).
- the Career Plan is in the "APPROVED" state (“CONFERMATO” in Italian)
- the course is in the Career Plan
- go to edumeter.unito.it
- login with one’s SCU ID
- if courses are not visible, check that they don’t belong to a different courses of study (if they do, they will be half way down the page), click on the Couse of Study and courses linked to that Course will appear.
To guarantee anonymity
Once a student has logged in, the procedure separates their personal profile from their answers. The questionnaire differentiates between students who have attended more than 50% of the course from those who have not. The results of each course from each Course of Study are visible in the student’s personal area.
Students who attended less than 50% also have to answer the EduMeter questionnaire before registering for an exam in their Plan.
Should students have problems registering for an exam, they should contact www.unito.it/servizi_federati citing the course code and the reasons why they can’t register.
Evaluation statistics will be sent to each professor, Degree Course President, Department Director and University Evaluation team in order to promote improvements in the quality of the courses. The Department responsible for the courses will analyse and discuss the questionnaire results at various levels.
Students can also take certain exams online on specifc dates from outside the university or in the Campus labs.
Access EduMeter from: http://www.edumeter.unito.it/
Ask for support from the help desk: www.unito.it/servizi_federati
For more information: Evalutation team on University portal (only in Italian)
FAQs: EduMeter FAQs (only in Italian)
Students must enrol for an exam at least three days before the exam date, by going to UniTo.it and accessing their profile on MyUniTO Studente. They should then open the menu "Exams" and select "Exam dates" where there is a list of courses they can enroll for.
By clicking on the blue Academic history symbol, students can see the teacher’s name, time and place of the exam and complete enrolment by clicking on "Enroll for exam".
Students who must take an exam in the computer labs must check that their SCU ID (which are the same used for enrolling for an exam and accessing the Campus Wi-Fi) are working as they will need their username and password to access a pc and the exam.
The check must be carried out on free access computer workstations located throughout the University and in particular, at the Bobbio Library or the open space of the Palazzina Einaudi.
Should students have problems with their password, they are advised to contact UniTO Support Services.
Read the tutorial "How to access devices in Computer Labs".
The check must be carried out on free access computer workstations located throughout the University and in particular, at the Bobbio Library or the open space of the Palazzina Einaudi.
Should students have problems with their password, they are advised to contact UniTO Support Service.